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WHAT HAPPENED ON 22nd September 1996?

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21st September 1996


The Chancellor has attacked Lord Tebbit for saying that Britain should rule out joining a single EU currency. Kenneth Clarke said Lord Tebbit had been one of the strongest advocates of early entry the Exchange Rate Mechanism "I am sorry Norman Tebbit has got so out of tune with the policy of the Conservative Party " he said. Earlier the former Tory chairman said the resignations of pro-single currency ministers "was a price worth paying".

22nd September 1996

The bishop who ran away with a divorcee

has been compared to Judas for selling his story to a tabloid. Lindsay Marnoch There were signs everywhere of a community whose certainties had been challenged to the core. Worshippers arriving at St Columba's in Oban wore expressions from the grimly determined to the bewildered. Parish priest Father Sean MacAulay told his congregation that during the past weeks they had suffered like Christ.

22nd September 1996

The bishop who ran away with a divorcee

has been compared to Judas for selling his story to a tabloid. Lindsay Marnoch Father MacAulay said that as Christ had been betrayed by some in his group for 30 pieces of silver then some felt similarly betrayed. A pastoral letter from the Archbishop of St Andrews in Edinburgh Keith O'Brien was also heard. It is being read at all Scottish services of Mass today. It called on Catholics to begin a fresh chapter.


Some queries which this page seeks to answer:

Life before 22nd September 1996?
Life after 22nd September 1996?
What is the significance of Tory on 22nd September 1996?
What is the relationship between Tory and Tory on 22nd September 1996?
What is the connection between Tory and Tory on 22nd September 1996?
Why does Tory matter on 22nd September 1996?
What was the impact of Tory on 22nd September 1996?

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