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WHAT HAPPENED ON 6th September 1996?

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5th September 1996


Turkish jet fighters have attacked suspected Kurdish rebel bases in northern Iraq. The Foreign Ministry said a "limited" air attack was carried out against the rebels but gave no other details. The government is trying to establish a buffer zone in northern Iraq to prevent the rebels from crossing into Turkey. Earlier heavy fighting broke out between rival Kurdish factions near the strategic town of Irbil. US/UK justify action against Iraq

6th September 1996

Unionists are insisting the Union Flag

should be flown at the Northern Ireland Forum. The Forum is meant to promote dialogue and understanding in Northern Ireland. But the Nationalists who are no longer taking their seats will not be happy at Unionist insistance that the Union Flag should fly whenever it sits. The Government objected to flying the flag over the Forum building so Unionists decided to fly it inside the debating chamber.

6th September 1996


A controversial rally due to be held by Islamic fundamentalists in London on Sunday has been cancelled. Management at the London Arena said the organisers of the Rally For Revival could not meet the extra security costs required "as a result of the publicity" But organiser Omar Bakri Mohamed said the Government was unwilling to protect Muslims attending it. Mr Mohamed's comments were later rejected by a Home Office spokesperson.

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5th September 1996


GERMAN BUSINESS Grand Metropolitan is taking a knife to its European food operations in a bid to focus on a number of leading brands. As a first step it has sold its Erasco soups business in Germany to Campbell Soup for around £140m. Also up for sale are the remainder of its "national" food businesses in the region including Shippams & Peter's Savoury Products in the UK. Grand Met said this would allow it to focus on its Pillsbury Haagen-Dazs Green Giant and Old El Paso brands.

6th September 1996

Unionists are insisting the Union Flag

should be flown at the Northern Ireland Forum. The Forum is meant to promote dialogue and understanding in Northern Ireland. But the Nationalists who are no longer taking their seats will not be happy at Unionist insistance that the Union Flag should fly whenever it sits. The Government objected to flying the flag over the Forum building so Unionists decided to fly it inside the debating chamber.

6th September 1996


Boris Yeltsin is to have a heart bypass operation at Moscow's Cardiological Centre Interfax news agency has said. But the senior Russian surgeon quoted by the agency did not say exactly when the operation would take place. There have been rumours about his failing health for months. National security chief Alexander Lebed said Mr Yeltsin must designate his temporary replacement in the next few days APF news agency reported.

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5th September 1996

OZONE 7pm Thu 5 Sep

Wales Scotland & N.Ireland

Air Level
Quality (ppb)
URBAN sites
Edinburgh Centre Very Good 13
Glasgow Centre Very Good 8
Belfast Centre Very Good 17
Swansea Centre Very Good 25
Cardiff Centre Very Good 30
RURAL sites
North Scotland Very Good 19
Mid-Scotland Very Good 19
South Scotland Very Good 26
Northern Ireland Very Good 31
Mid-Wales Very Good 31
Data from Department of Environment
NWEnglandNEEnglandC EnglandS England

6th September 1996

Unionists are insisting the Union Flag

should be flown at the Northern Ireland Forum. The Forum is meant to promote dialogue and understanding in Northern Ireland. But the Nationalists who are no longer taking their seats will not be happy at Unionist insistance that the Union Flag should fly whenever it sits. The Government objected to flying the flag over the Forum building so Unionists decided to fly it inside the debating chamber.

6th September 1996

Unionists are insisting the Union Flag

should be flown at the Northern Ireland Forum. A motion was passed deploring boycotts which have been used by Catholics particularly in border areas. They claim some businessmen in these areas took part in Orange Order roadblocks at the time of the Drumcree crisis in July. But Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams said the tactic was legitimate provided it was not for sectarian reasons.

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5th September 1996


TUC delegates will be asked to back a minimum wage of £4.26 an hour at next week's conference. The motion by Unison & the National Union of Mineworkers calls on a Labour government to implement the minimum rate within a year of taking power. Another motion prescribes a figure of above £4 without specifying the amount. The minimum wage is a sensitive issue for Labour with the Conservatives insisting that it will cost many jobs.

6th September 1996

Unionists are insisting the Union Flag

should be flown at the Northern Ireland Forum. The Forum is meant to promote dialogue and understanding in Northern Ireland. But the Nationalists who are no longer taking their seats will not be happy at Unionist insistance that the Union Flag should fly whenever it sits. The Government objected to flying the flag over the Forum building so Unionists decided to fly it inside the debating chamber.

6th September 1996

Unionists are insisting the Union Flag

should be flown at the Northern Ireland Forum. A motion was passed deploring boycotts which have been used by Catholics particularly in border areas. They claim some businessmen in these areas took part in Orange Order roadblocks at the time of the Drumcree crisis in July. But Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams said the tactic was legitimate provided it was not for sectarian reasons.

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5th September 1996


The bomb attack on parents of a rebel Ulster loyalist was not the work of loyalist terror groups Progressive Unionist leader David Ervine has said. A pipe bomb was thrown into a house in south Belfast occupied by the parents of dissident loyalist Alec Kerr. Loyalist paramilitaries have threatened Mr Kerr if he does not leave Ulster. But Mr Ervine said he had been told they did not launch the attack on Mr Kerr's parents' house.

6th September 1996

Unionists are insisting the Union Flag

should be flown at the Northern Ireland Forum. The Forum is meant to promote dialogue and understanding in Northern Ireland. But the Nationalists who are no longer taking their seats will not be happy at Unionist insistance that the Union Flag should fly whenever it sits. The Government objected to flying the flag over the Forum building so Unionists decided to fly it inside the debating chamber.

6th September 1996

Unionists are insisting the Union Flag

should be flown at the Northern Ireland Forum. A motion was passed deploring boycotts which have been used by Catholics particularly in border areas. They claim some businessmen in these areas took part in Orange Order roadblocks at the time of the Drumcree crisis in July. But Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams said the tactic was legitimate provided it was not for sectarian reasons.


Some queries which this page seeks to answer:

Life before 6th September 1996?
Life after 6th September 1996?
What is the significance of government on 6th September 1996?
What is the relationship between government and National on 6th September 1996?
What is the connection between government and National on 6th September 1996?
Why does government matter on 6th September 1996?
What was the impact of government on 6th September 1996?
What is the significance of National on 6th September 1996?
What is the relationship between National and Northern Ireland on 6th September 1996?
What is the connection between National and Northern Ireland on 6th September 1996?
Why does National matter on 6th September 1996?
What was the impact of National on 6th September 1996?
What is the significance of Northern Ireland on 6th September 1996?
What is the relationship between Northern Ireland and union on 6th September 1996?
What is the connection between Northern Ireland and union on 6th September 1996?
Why does Northern Ireland matter on 6th September 1996?
What was the impact of Northern Ireland on 6th September 1996?
What is the significance of union on 6th September 1996?
What is the relationship between union and Unionist on 6th September 1996?
What is the connection between union and Unionist on 6th September 1996?
Why does union matter on 6th September 1996?
What was the impact of union on 6th September 1996?
What is the significance of Unionist on 6th September 1996?
What is the relationship between Unionist and government on 6th September 1996?
What is the connection between Unionist and government on 6th September 1996?
Why does Unionist matter on 6th September 1996?
What was the impact of Unionist on 6th September 1996?

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