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WHAT HAPPENED ON 15th April 1999?

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14th April 1999


Ayatollah Khamenei warned Iran's army amid reports of Iranian & Iraqi troops massing on the border. "Keep an eye on the enemy " he said on Iran radio. "Not just the enemy attacking across borders but the one attacking the borders within us." The military build-up follows the recent murder of a senior Iranian military official. The Mojahedin-e Khalq group operating from Iraq claimed responsibility.

15th April 1999


A Nato spokesman has said that the Alliance "deeply regrets" yesterday's attack on a civilian convoy in Kosovo. Jamie Shea said the pilot involved reported at the time that he was attacking a military convoy after seeing several burning villages nearby. Mr Shea said Nato would not allow "one tragic accident" to weaken its resolve The Serbs say 64 civilians died in the attack near the town of Djakovica.

15th April 1999


confusion over yesterday's attack on a civilian convoy. A Nato pilot said he attacked "troop carrying vehicles" but reporters asked a Nato spokesman why Serb TV pictures appeared to show damaged farm vehicles. A BBC reporter talked to refugees whose convoy was attacked near Prizren. He Nato says a second convoy was attacked but the location remains uncertain.

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14th April 1999

In Milan Corriere Della Serahas come

up with the most sinister phrase yet to describe the Serb operation under way in Kosovo: "demographic pest-control". The plan was hatched in February in Belgrade says the paper which argues that the Serbs' cruelty exceeds that of the much-reviled Ottoman era. "The organised kidnappings of Serbian boys by the sultan's army described in the novels of Ivo Andric pale in comparison to today's mass expulsions of ethnic Albanians."

15th April 1999


A Nato spokesman has said that the Alliance "deeply regrets" yesterday's attack on a civilian convoy in Kosovo. Jamie Shea said the pilot involved reported at the time that he was attacking a military convoy after seeing several burning villages nearby. Mr Shea said Nato would not allow "one tragic accident" to weaken its resolve The Serbs say 64 civilians died in the attack near the town of Djakovica.

15th April 1999


confusion over yesterday's attack on a civilian convoy. A Nato pilot said he attacked "troop carrying vehicles" but reporters asked a Nato spokesman why Serb TV pictures appeared to show damaged farm vehicles. A BBC reporter talked to refugees whose convoy was attacked near Prizren. He Nato says a second convoy was attacked but the location remains uncertain.

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14th April 1999


Britain was sending "substantial reinforcements" to back Nato's action against Serbia Tony Blair told MPs. He said a second Armoured Battle Group would be sent to support military personnel already in Greece & Macedonia swelling their number by about 1 800 to 6 300. Tory Leader William Hague said his party still supported Nato's campaign be a "clear & consistent" strategy.

15th April 1999


A Nato spokesman has said that the Alliance "deeply regrets" yesterday's attack on a civilian convoy in Kosovo. Jamie Shea said the pilot involved reported at the time that he was attacking a military convoy after seeing several burning villages nearby. Mr Shea said Nato would not allow "one tragic accident" to weaken its resolve The Serbs say 64 civilians died in the attack near the town of Djakovica.

15th April 1999


refugee convoy in Kosovo have been put Reporters travelled under military escort to the road near Djakovica on of the attack. Charred bodies bloodstained clothing and photographs scattered in the road were witnessed by a BBC correspondent. Other bodies have been put on display at nearby hospitals.


Some queries which this page seeks to answer:

Life before 15th April 1999?
Life after 15th April 1999?
What is the significance of attack on 15th April 1999?
What is the relationship between attack and Kosovo on 15th April 1999?
What is the connection between attack and Kosovo on 15th April 1999?
Why does attack matter on 15th April 1999?
What was the impact of attack on 15th April 1999?
What is the significance of Kosovo on 15th April 1999?
What is the relationship between Kosovo and military on 15th April 1999?
What is the connection between Kosovo and military on 15th April 1999?
Why does Kosovo matter on 15th April 1999?
What was the impact of Kosovo on 15th April 1999?
What is the significance of military on 15th April 1999?
What is the relationship between military and attack on 15th April 1999?
What is the connection between military and attack on 15th April 1999?
Why does military matter on 15th April 1999?
What was the impact of military on 15th April 1999?

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