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WHAT HAPPENED ON 27th February 2001?

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26th February 2001


C&B Pub 19 Camella 27½
Cable W 773 +10 CamMinR 31¾- ½
CA Cout 80 CammlLd 11½
Cadbury 441¼- 8¾CanaryW 518 + 2
Cadcent 513½ Cannons 137
Caffyns 302½ CantabP 101
Cairn 261½- 6 Cap Rad 1062½+15
CairnUK 76¾+ ¼Cap&Reg 233½+ ½
CairnTU 985 CapBars 31½
CakebRo 45 CapeInd 18½
Caldwll 7¾ CapGear 1085 + 3½
CalednT 67½ Capita 477½+12½
Caledon 857½+10 CapOppT 175½- 1
Calluna 8½ CapShop 390½
CambAnt 3187½-12½Capt4Co 115

27th February 2001


CapTech 25 + 4½CdfProp 544 - 1
Carbo 9½ CedarGp 292½+ 5
Carclo 116½ Celltec 1330 +55
Care UK 291 Celltlk 40
CarlHld 342½ Celsis 16
Carllin 184½+ 2½Celtc R 10
Carlton 515 + 7 Celtic 156½
Carpetr 651 CenesPh 49
Carphne 155½+ 1½Centric 239 + 7
CarrMll 129½+ 1½CGNU 1000 +33
CassBrs 25½+ ½Cham&hl 172½
Casting 145 ChanHlt 38½
CathayI 5¼ CharAth 40½
Cattle 298½+ 4 CharGrp 48½
CD Bram 187 CharlsT 387½

27th February 2001


10 Grp ¾ AberAsM 484 - 8½
3i 1340 -25 AberfSp 56¾
3i Bios 559½- 5½Aberfth 333¼- ¼
3i Euro 58¾- 2½AbNDawn 191¾+ 1¼
365Corp 35 + ¾AbdCvIn 98½- ¾
4Imprnt 397½ AbdDvCp 72½
600 Grp 67 AbNewTh 42¾+ ¼
7 Group 1 AbdEmEc 66½+ ½
AB Foodx 495¾+ ¾AbdHiIn 87¾- 1¼
AB Port 392½- 1 AbdPfIn 118¾- ¼
AbacsPl 315 -30 AbrdnAs 92¾
Abbey 260 AbrdnFC 90
Abbey N 1167 +38 AbtstLn 66¼
AbbotGp 137 - ½Acal 585
Abbycst 99½ Acambis 130½
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26th February 2001


C&B Pub 19 Camella 27½
Cable W 773 +10 CamMinR 31¾- ½
CA Cout 80 CammlLd 11½
Cadbury 441¼- 8¾CanaryW 518 + 2
Cadcent 513½ Cannons 137
Caffyns 302½ CantabP 101
Cairn 261½- 6 Cap Rad 1062½+15
CairnUK 76¾+ ¼Cap&Reg 233½+ ½
CairnTU 985 CapBars 31½
CakebRo 45 CapeInd 18½
Caldwll 7¾ CapGear 1085 + 3½
CalednT 67½ Capita 477½+12½
Caledon 857½+10 CapOppT 175½- 1
Calluna 8½ CapShop 390½
CambAnt 3187½-12½Capt4Co 115

27th February 2001


CapTech 25 + 4½CdfProp 544 - 1
Carbo 9½ CedarGp 292½+ 5
Carclo 116½ Celltec 1330 +55
Care UK 291 Celltlk 40
CarlHld 342½ Celsis 16
Carllin 184½+ 2½Celtc R 10
Carlton 515 + 7 Celtic 156½
Carpetr 651 CenesPh 49
Carphne 155½+ 1½Centric 239 + 7
CarrMll 129½+ 1½CGNU 1000 +33
CassBrs 25½+ ½Cham&hl 172½
Casting 145 ChanHlt 38½
CathayI 5¼ CharAth 40½
Cattle 298½+ 4 CharGrp 48½
CD Bram 187 CharlsT 387½

27th February 2001

"It is too soon to panic"Sir Edward

George Governor of the Bank of England over fears that the UK economy could be hit by a recession in the US. "If there's a better solo singer in the UK than Craig David then I'm Margaret Thatcher"Sir Elton John about the man who lost out at the Brit Awards. "Historically Labour Party leaders have always gone weak in their knees when approached by wealthy people ... Somehow the more vulgar they are the more they are taken into the fold. One wonders why"Labour peer Lord Desai.


Some queries which this page seeks to answer:

Life before 27th February 2001?
Life after 27th February 2001?
What is the significance of shares on 27th February 2001?
What is the relationship between shares and UK on 27th February 2001?
What is the connection between shares and UK on 27th February 2001?
Why does shares matter on 27th February 2001?
What was the impact of shares on 27th February 2001?
What is the significance of UK on 27th February 2001?
What is the relationship between UK and shares on 27th February 2001?
What is the connection between UK and shares on 27th February 2001?
Why does UK matter on 27th February 2001?
What was the impact of UK on 27th February 2001?

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