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WHAT HAPPENED ON 15th December 2000?

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14th December 2000


A News of the World reporter has been questioned by police after he allegedly tried to board Bill Clinton's plane disguised as an airport worker. It is claimed the 26-year-old man offered a fake airline pass to gain access to the US President's jet Air Force One at Birmingham Airport. Police held a man after security staff became suspicious about the pass. Mr Clinton was returning to the US from his last official visit to the UK.

15th December 2000

"Two-thirds of them playing in that

team can't tell you where the Pier Head is"Eddie Braben scriptwriter for Morecambe & Wise and a lifelong Liverpool supporter. "I'm a very keen ornithologist. Very interested in birds and now I want to learn how to shoot them"Former Tory Chancellor Lord Lamont. "What Clinton really brought to politics was the I-feel-your-pain humbug of the Third Way"Boris Johnson editor of The Spectator & Tory parliamentary candidate.

15th December 2000


The Palestinians have rejected US President Bill Clinton's proposals for peace in the Middle East reports say. Information minister Yasser Abed Rabbo is reported to have said the proposals were unacceptable to the Palestinians. Peace negotiators said Mr Clinton's deal was identical to Israel's blueprint for ending the violence. Yesterday Mr Clinton called for a "long leap" from both sides to close their 52-year divide.

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14th December 2000


Ministers have been accused of showing "scant regard" for Parliament's interests after keeping MPs in the dark over the Millennium Dome's finances. Public Accounts Committee chairman David Davis said an idemnity was given to the Dome without Parliament's assent He said it could have cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of pounds & called the situation "deplorable". He spoke as he presented the Commons with the committee's reports for 2000.

15th December 2000

"Two-thirds of them playing in that

team can't tell you where the Pier Head is"Eddie Braben scriptwriter for Morecambe & Wise and a lifelong Liverpool supporter. "I'm a very keen ornithologist. Very interested in birds and now I want to learn how to shoot them"Former Tory Chancellor Lord Lamont. "What Clinton really brought to politics was the I-feel-your-pain humbug of the Third Way"Boris Johnson editor of The Spectator & Tory parliamentary candidate.

15th December 2000


Tycoon Thaksin Shinawatra may have achieved the unprecedented feat of winning an overall majority in Thailand's parliament. His Thai Rak Thai (Thais Love Thais) Party has won 256 of the 500 seats according to early unofficial results from yesterday's general election. Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai's Democrat Party is in second place with 124 seats Official vote counting is still going on in several constituencies.

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14th December 2000


The Government was warned it could face a legal challenge over plans to extend embryo research. Tory MP Edward Leigh warned violating constraints in the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 could provoke a reaction from the courts. Chancellor Gordon Brown rejected his opposition shadow's calls to drop plans for a climate change levy. Michael Portillo said the levy may lead to more job losses in car production.

15th December 2000

"Two-thirds of them playing in that

team can't tell you where the Pier Head is"Eddie Braben scriptwriter for Morecambe & Wise and a lifelong Liverpool supporter. "I'm a very keen ornithologist. Very interested in birds and now I want to learn how to shoot them"Former Tory Chancellor Lord Lamont. "What Clinton really brought to politics was the I-feel-your-pain humbug of the Third Way"Boris Johnson editor of The Spectator & Tory parliamentary candidate.

15th December 2000

What People were saying on

"The only cheering thing about the Nice shambles was the spectacle of all those countries squabbling like alley cats. If this is a superstate I am the King of Prussia."

Playwright & commentator Keith Waterhouse.

"At worst the Privy Council is neither an instrument of baronial tyranny nor the last bastion of monarchist power. It is simply pointless."

Lord Hattersley

"The Tories have been habitual drunks in the Last Chance saloon for so long that they cannot understand when time has been called."

Ex-Tory MP Jerry Hayes


Some queries which this page seeks to answer:

Life before 15th December 2000?
Life after 15th December 2000?
What is the significance of Clinton on 15th December 2000?
What is the relationship between Clinton and Parliament on 15th December 2000?
What is the connection between Clinton and Parliament on 15th December 2000?
Why does Clinton matter on 15th December 2000?
What was the impact of Clinton on 15th December 2000?
What is the significance of Parliament on 15th December 2000?
What is the relationship between Parliament and Tory on 15th December 2000?
What is the connection between Parliament and Tory on 15th December 2000?
Why does Parliament matter on 15th December 2000?
What was the impact of Parliament on 15th December 2000?
What is the significance of Tory on 15th December 2000?
What is the relationship between Tory and Clinton on 15th December 2000?
What is the connection between Tory and Clinton on 15th December 2000?
Why does Tory matter on 15th December 2000?
What was the impact of Tory on 15th December 2000?

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