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WHAT HAPPENED ON 9th December 2000?

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8th December 2000

"Don't worry. He's a reformed drunk"

The Prime Minister explaining to Russian President Putin why his official spokesman Alastair Campbell a teetotaller was refusing drinks. "I hope you redeem yourself with other sins"President Putin to Alastair Campbell. "I find it vulgar to talk about money" Actor Ethan Hawke when questioned about his reported advances for film-making.

9th December 2000


Officials across Florida are closely counting thousands of "undervotes" ` disputed ballot papers which were not included in the original machine count. Miami-Dade has an estimated 9 000 undervotes the highest of any county. In Duval county new computer hardware is helping officials search through 256 000 ballots for 5 000 undervotes. All counts must end by 7pm tomorrow. Pinellas county says it may take up to 12 hours to complete its recount.

9th December 2000


President Vladimir Putin has said he will pardon American businessman Edmond Pope who was sentenced to 20 years in prison after being convicted of spying. Mr Putin touring industrial facilities in the Ural region said he wanted to maintain good relations with the US. The US said Pope's conviction was unwarranted & called for his release. Mr Putin did not give a specific date for Pope's release but said it would be some time after December 14.


Some queries which this page seeks to answer:

Life before 9th December 2000?
Life after 9th December 2000?
What is the significance of President on 9th December 2000?
What is the relationship between President and President on 9th December 2000?
What is the connection between President and President on 9th December 2000?
Why does President matter on 9th December 2000?
What was the impact of President on 9th December 2000?

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