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WHAT HAPPENED ON 25th January 2001?

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24th January 2001


German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer has repeated his call for deeper European integration during a speech to a London audience. But he made no mention of the ideas he put forward last year of a European government with an elected president. And he said integration would not mean abolition of the nation state. Mr Fischer was speaking after receiving an award from the British-German Forum for his contribution to the Euro debate

25th January 2001


Government departments have been criticised for unnecessary secrecy in a report by the Parliamentary Ombudsman Michael Buckley. Information was wrongly withheld six times between April & December his report on eight MPs' complaints said. Some departments did not realise they should follow a Code of Practice when dealing with information requests. There could be "no excuse" as the code had existed for seven years he said.

25th January 2001


The Government has announced plans to extend British troops' training of the Sierra Leonean army by eight months until the end of September. Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon said the move would help make the West African state's army "self-sufficient". The British military presence will remain at around 600 at any time. British troops have made an "important contribution to stability in Sierra Leone" Mr Hoon added.

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24th January 2001


Officials at Istanbul international airport say French businessmen can no longer use the fast-track VIP hall. The airport administration chief said only official guests of the Turkish government could now enjoy that perk. The move is a sign of Turkey's outrage over the French parliament vote to recognise as genocide the 1915 deaths of Armenians under the Ottoman empire. Turkey disputes the number of deaths and denies that the killings were part of a deliberate policy of genocide.

25th January 2001


Government departments have been criticised for unnecessary secrecy in a report by the Parliamentary Ombudsman Michael Buckley. Information was wrongly withheld six times between April & December his report on eight MPs' complaints said. Some departments did not realise they should follow a Code of Practice when dealing with information requests. There could be "no excuse" as the code had existed for seven years he said.

25th January 2001


Graffiti painters in the Czech Republic could be sentenced to up to eight years in prison under a legal amendment passed by the Czech parliament. A big majority of deputies voted for the amendment which will take effect in July if signed by the president. Causing damage by graffiti or covering an object with paint can be punished by a one-year prison sentence or a fine. Serious damage will attract a sentence of between two & eight years. MPs from all parties backed the crackdown.


Some queries which this page seeks to answer:

Life before 25th January 2001?
Life after 25th January 2001?
What is the significance of government on 25th January 2001?
What is the relationship between government and Parliament on 25th January 2001?
What is the connection between government and Parliament on 25th January 2001?
Why does government matter on 25th January 2001?
What was the impact of government on 25th January 2001?
What is the significance of Parliament on 25th January 2001?
What is the relationship between Parliament and government on 25th January 2001?
What is the connection between Parliament and government on 25th January 2001?
Why does Parliament matter on 25th January 2001?
What was the impact of Parliament on 25th January 2001?

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