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WHAT HAPPENED ON 13th January 2001?

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12th January 2001


The head of Hong Kong's civil service Anson Chan has announced she will step down in April - some 15 months earlier than scheduled - to be with her family. Mrs Chan who was appointed by the last British governor Chris Patten won a reputation for her independence & was publicly rebuked by Beijing last year. She was accused of disrespect for Hong Kong's chief executive Tung Chee-hwa. Announcing her decision on local radio Mrs Chan said she hoped Hong Kong would stay an "open very tolerant society".

13th January 2001


The Royal Navy is to stop using shells containing depleted uranium because of US fears about their safety. The Navy has used DU rounds in an anti- missile system for more than 10 years. The system was bought from the US which has now replaced its DU rounds on board ships with tungsten. This is much more expensive but not radioactive. Fourteen British warships still have depleted uranium rounds which will all be phased out by 2003.

13th January 2001


A British yachtsman has been rescued by a passing ship after spending three days drifting in the Atlantic. The 60-year-old had to use distress flares after the 24ft Ozama's locator beacon lost battery power. The man en route from Madeira to St Lucia was picked up 200 miles from the Cape Verde Islands off the west coast of Africa by the Cypriot ship Baynes. A coastguard spokesman said it was "very lucky" the Baynes was passing.


Some queries which this page seeks to answer:

Life before 13th January 2001?
Life after 13th January 2001?
What is the significance of British on 13th January 2001?
What is the relationship between British and British on 13th January 2001?
What is the connection between British and British on 13th January 2001?
Why does British matter on 13th January 2001?
What was the impact of British on 13th January 2001?

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