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WHAT HAPPENED ON 8th January 2001?

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7th January 2001

"Two-thirds of them playing in that

team can't tell you where the Pier Head is"Eddie Braben scriptwriter for Morecambe & Wise and a lifelong Liverpool supporter. "I'm a very keen ornithologist. Very interested in birds and now I want to learn how to shoot them"Former Tory Chancellor Lord Lamont. "What Clinton really brought to politics was the I-feel-your-pain humbug of the Third Way"Boris Johnson editor of The Spectator & Tory parliamentary candidate.

8th January 2001


The Palestinians have rejected US President Bill Clinton's proposals for peace in the Middle East reports say. Information minister Yasser Abed Rabbo is reported to have said the proposals were unacceptable to the Palestinians. Peace negotiators said Mr Clinton's deal was identical to Israel's blueprint for ending the violence. Yesterday Mr Clinton called for a "long leap" from both sides to close their 52-year divide.

8th January 2001

"It was a big mistake"Joschka Fischer

Germany's foreign minister apologising for beating up policemen in his rebellious youth. "Presentationally Bill Clinton is a US President to die for. The truth is far too many have"TV news reader Jon Snow. "Wherever I go says Margaret Drabble people are talking about the recently- published third volume of Robert Skidelsky's Life of Maynard Keynes. Here is proof that Margaret Drabble & I inhabit very different worlds" Veteran commentator Richard Ingrams.

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7th January 2001

MIDDLE EASTPalestinian TV has resumed

its usual schedule for the first time since the uprising began in September. Dramas cultural & religious programmes & regular news programmes have now been reintroduced to replace live reports & national songs. RUSSIA An express train capable of carrying 400 passengers left St Petersburg for Moscow for the first time on Sunday Russian NTV reported. The train can travel at 125 mph & the journey will almost halve the usual travelling time of around eight hours.

8th January 2001


The Palestinians have rejected US President Bill Clinton's proposals for peace in the Middle East reports say. Information minister Yasser Abed Rabbo is reported to have said the proposals were unacceptable to the Palestinians. Peace negotiators said Mr Clinton's deal was identical to Israel's blueprint for ending the violence. Yesterday Mr Clinton called for a "long leap" from both sides to close their 52-year divide.

8th January 2001


Israeli & Palestinian negotiators are set to resume high-level talks aimed at securing Middle East peace officials from both sides have said. Israeli officials said the two sides would convene later today for the highest-level talks since December. Israeli foreign minister Shlomo Ben`Ami had cut short a Paris visit to return for "diplomatic consultations". The two sides will discuss a framework for peace based on US proposals.

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7th January 2001


A man arrested for a pipe bomb attack on a Tel Aviv bus was equipped by Palestinian military intelligence agents Israeli security sources say. They said the 25-year-old Jordanian citizen was recruited by agents from the Palestinian-ruled town of Nablus. Fourteen people were injured one seriously when two pipe bombs hidden in a duffle bag exploded on December 28 Palestinian officials were not available for comment.

8th January 2001


The Palestinians have rejected US President Bill Clinton's proposals for peace in the Middle East reports say. Information minister Yasser Abed Rabbo is reported to have said the proposals were unacceptable to the Palestinians. Peace negotiators said Mr Clinton's deal was identical to Israel's blueprint for ending the violence. Yesterday Mr Clinton called for a "long leap" from both sides to close their 52-year divide.

8th January 2001


Syria has refused a formal request to hand over documents which defence lawyers in the Lockerbie bombing trial claim could help clear two Libyans. The trial resumed at Camp Zeist in the Netherlands with the lawyers saying they were closing their case. The defence claims the documents contained crucial evidence linking the 1988 bombing to militant Palestinians. Talks between Syria & British Embassy officials failed to yield any success.

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7th January 2001


Senior Israeli & Palestinian security officials & CIA director George Tenet are due to meet in Egypt in a new bid to curb over three months of violence. Israel is calling on the Palestinians to re-arrest Islamic militants freed from jail when the violence erupted. They also want security co-operation on the ground to resume. However with hopes of an overall peace deal fading observers say agreement on security issues may be hard to find.

8th January 2001


The Palestinians have rejected US President Bill Clinton's proposals for peace in the Middle East reports say. Information minister Yasser Abed Rabbo is reported to have said the proposals were unacceptable to the Palestinians. Peace negotiators said Mr Clinton's deal was identical to Israel's blueprint for ending the violence. Yesterday Mr Clinton called for a "long leap" from both sides to close their 52-year divide.

8th January 2001


Nato is to run further checks on the health risks from the use of depleted uranium shells during the Balkans War. Secretary-General George Robertson made the announcement at a Brussels summit while stressing he was confident there was "little risk" from DU munitions. Several Western peacekeepers who served in Bosnia have since died of cancer & many have complained of illnesses. It has led to fears that the use of DU- tipped tank shells could be a factor.

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7th January 2001


President Joseph Estrada of the Philippines has instructed army chiefs to roll out a scheme to give all army soldiers their own e-mail account. The president wants the project up & running by the end of the current year a government statement said. Mr Estrada hopes e-mail & internet access will give the soldiers closer contact with their headquarters. The president also instructed army chiefs to design web sites detailing the army's 15-year modernisation plan.

8th January 2001


The Palestinians have rejected US President Bill Clinton's proposals for peace in the Middle East reports say. Information minister Yasser Abed Rabbo is reported to have said the proposals were unacceptable to the Palestinians. Peace negotiators said Mr Clinton's deal was identical to Israel's blueprint for ending the violence. Yesterday Mr Clinton called for a "long leap" from both sides to close their 52-year divide.

8th January 2001


The killers of James Bulger have won the right to have new identities kept secret once they are freed. Robert Thompson & Jon Venables both now 18 wanted an injunction extended to protect them from publicity. Family Division President Lady Justice Butler-Sloss said she took the decision in "almost unique circumstances" to "protect the lives" of the pair. She has given newspapers leave to appeal against her ruling.


Some queries which this page seeks to answer:

Life before 8th January 2001?
Life after 8th January 2001?
What is the significance of Clinton on 8th January 2001?
What is the relationship between Clinton and Middle East on 8th January 2001?
What is the connection between Clinton and Middle East on 8th January 2001?
Why does Clinton matter on 8th January 2001?
What was the impact of Clinton on 8th January 2001?
What is the significance of Middle East on 8th January 2001?
What is the relationship between Middle East and Palestinian on 8th January 2001?
What is the connection between Middle East and Palestinian on 8th January 2001?
Why does Middle East matter on 8th January 2001?
What was the impact of Middle East on 8th January 2001?
What is the significance of Palestinian on 8th January 2001?
What is the relationship between Palestinian and peace on 8th January 2001?
What is the connection between Palestinian and peace on 8th January 2001?
Why does Palestinian matter on 8th January 2001?
What was the impact of Palestinian on 8th January 2001?
What is the significance of peace on 8th January 2001?
What is the relationship between peace and President on 8th January 2001?
What is the connection between peace and President on 8th January 2001?
Why does peace matter on 8th January 2001?
What was the impact of peace on 8th January 2001?
What is the significance of President on 8th January 2001?
What is the relationship between President and Clinton on 8th January 2001?
What is the connection between President and Clinton on 8th January 2001?
Why does President matter on 8th January 2001?
What was the impact of President on 8th January 2001?

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