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WHAT HAPPENED ON 11th January 2001?

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10th January 2001


A girl aged six who was due to join her stepfather in Inverness has been kidnapped in the Philippines by a group of Islamic extremists. Her stepfather Douglas has offered to meet the kidnappers if it helps to get the six-year-old girl home safely. Douglas Grant 50 says he & his wife are going through emotional hell ` with no idea what the kidnappers want. April or Aiman Grant who is half British was seized from her home at gunpoint & taken away by boat.

11th January 2001

PAKISTAN The country's military regime has threatened to arrest former prime minister Benazir Bhutto if she returns from exile in London. Bhutto has lived in exile since April 1999. AUSTRALIA Three unidentified British athletes were treated for blood clots in the legs ` so-called "economy class syndrome" ` when they flew to the Sydney Olympic Games Reuters reports. CONGO At least 30 people died & 69 were injured when a goods train travelling between Brazzaville & the Atlantic Coast derailed in a crash.

11th January 2001


A six-year-old girl has been kidnapped from her house by four suspected Muslim guerrillas in the Philippines. Eiman Grant abducted in the southern island of Basilan was at first thought to be British as her stepfather lives in Inverness. But the Foreign Office has since said she is not a British national. The girl's mother said the gunmen seized her daughter after she failed to meet the group's demand for money.

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10th January 2001


The Bank of England has announced that it will leave its interest rate at 6% its level since February last year. Last week the US Federal Reserve cut interest rates in a surprise move. The decision was prompted by fears that the American economy was in danger of slipping into a recession. The cut had raised speculation that the Bank's Monetary Policy Committee might make a similar move here despite its concerns about higher inflation.

11th January 2001

PAKISTAN The country's military regime has threatened to arrest former prime minister Benazir Bhutto if she returns from exile in London. Bhutto has lived in exile since April 1999. AUSTRALIA Three unidentified British athletes were treated for blood clots in the legs ` so-called "economy class syndrome" ` when they flew to the Sydney Olympic Games Reuters reports. CONGO At least 30 people died & 69 were injured when a goods train travelling between Brazzaville & the Atlantic Coast derailed in a crash.

11th January 2001


The Scottish stepfather of the six`year`old kidnapped in the Philippines has learned that the girl could be held near her home. JOBS250 workers at the TDI Battery plant in Dundee are to lose their jobs in the spring. Management have declined to comment on the reasons for the move. ECONOMY The Executive is warning that the north east must become less reliant on the oil industry for its prosperity. It says business in the area must expand into new sectors.

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10th January 2001

WORK One hundred new jobs are to be created in Liverpool to build the Twelve Quays River Terminal a £22m project due to be up & running in the first half of next year. SEARCH Police are hunting a man who ran naked into a classroom at Our Lady of Lourdes School Harlesden north west London with a bag on his head before darting out of the building.

11th January 2001

PAKISTAN The country's military regime has threatened to arrest former prime minister Benazir Bhutto if she returns from exile in London. Bhutto has lived in exile since April 1999. AUSTRALIA Three unidentified British athletes were treated for blood clots in the legs ` so-called "economy class syndrome" ` when they flew to the Sydney Olympic Games Reuters reports. CONGO At least 30 people died & 69 were injured when a goods train travelling between Brazzaville & the Atlantic Coast derailed in a crash.

11th January 2001


In the Commons MPs will quiz Education and Employment Secretary David Blunkett before debating the Science & Technology Committee report. There will then be a debate on the City of London (Ward Elections) Bill. Business closes with a short debate on the mis-selling of domestic gas & electricity supplies. The House of Lords will not be sitting.

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10th January 2001

What People were saying on

"When you reach my age & you find yourself eating light bulbs for a living you know you have made some bad career moves along the way."

Matt Hely 46 on his life as a circus performer.

"I'm balancing my alcohol & insulin very nicely thank you."

Diabetic Colin Dexter creator of Inspector Morse on inquiries about his health.

"We need paramilitaries like a toothache."

Unnamed Belfast woman rejoicing that

"Mad Dog."

Johnny Adair the Loyalist paramilitary boss is not to be released from prison.

11th January 2001

PAKISTAN The country's military regime has threatened to arrest former prime minister Benazir Bhutto if she returns from exile in London. Bhutto has lived in exile since April 1999. AUSTRALIA Three unidentified British athletes were treated for blood clots in the legs ` so-called "economy class syndrome" ` when they flew to the Sydney Olympic Games Reuters reports. CONGO At least 30 people died & 69 were injured when a goods train travelling between Brazzaville & the Atlantic Coast derailed in a crash.

11th January 2001


A Palestinian court has reportedly sentenced two men to death for conspiring with Israel to kill a leader in Yasser Arafat's Fatah group. According to Agence France Press it decided Mohamed Nawawarah & Hossam Homeid had passed details enabling a missile atttack on Hussein Abayat's car Two other Palestinians were shot this morning for conspiring with Israel. The Israeli military has killed at least 12 Palestinians since November.

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10th January 2001

CHINA The BBC's global TV channel BBC World has for the first time been granted a licence to broadcast in the country. The deal will also allow BBC World to be shown in many hotels. INDIA Millions of pilgrims are heading for the northern city of Allahabad for the most important festival in the Hindu calendar. The Kumbh Mela takes place once every 12 years. PAKISTAN At least eight people died & up to 70 were injured when a passenger train derailed near the southern town of Hyderabad.

11th January 2001

PAKISTAN The country's military regime has threatened to arrest former prime minister Benazir Bhutto if she returns from exile in London. Bhutto has lived in exile since April 1999. AUSTRALIA Three unidentified British athletes were treated for blood clots in the legs ` so-called "economy class syndrome" ` when they flew to the Sydney Olympic Games Reuters reports. CONGO At least 30 people died & 69 were injured when a goods train travelling between Brazzaville & the Atlantic Coast derailed in a crash.

11th January 2001


Pakistani & Indian experts are to meet to discuss the prevention of an accidental nuclear conflict. They will attend a seminar on nuclear restraint & risk reduction in South Asia sponsored by the non-governmental Islamabad Policy Research Institute. This is the second time the delegation of former diplomats & defence experts has met since last November. India & Pakistan conducted tit-for- tat nuclear tests in May 1998.

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10th January 2001


A car has crashed into a railway crossing in Leicestershire injuring three people. The incident happened in the early hours of the morning on Desford Road near Newtown Unthank. Two of the car's occupants had to be cut free by firefighters. They were treated at the scene by a medical flying squad before being taken to the Leicester Royal Infirmary. The line has been closed.

11th January 2001

PAKISTAN The country's military regime has threatened to arrest former prime minister Benazir Bhutto if she returns from exile in London. Bhutto has lived in exile since April 1999. AUSTRALIA Three unidentified British athletes were treated for blood clots in the legs ` so-called "economy class syndrome" ` when they flew to the Sydney Olympic Games Reuters reports. CONGO At least 30 people died & 69 were injured when a goods train travelling between Brazzaville & the Atlantic Coast derailed in a crash.

11th January 2001


Israeli troops & Palestinian police are said to be trading banter instead of bullets in a bid to restore trust. The reports from Netzarim in the Gaza Strip follow an Israeli decision to pull back its tanks & reopen a major road in Gaza to break the deadlock. Palestinians are also being allowed to move from the West Bank to Jordan & from Gaza to Egypt. Both sides are trying to end violence in which over 360 people have died.


Some queries which this page seeks to answer:

Life before 11th January 2001?
Life after 11th January 2001?
What is the significance of British on 11th January 2001?
What is the relationship between British and economy on 11th January 2001?
What is the connection between British and economy on 11th January 2001?
Why does British matter on 11th January 2001?
What was the impact of British on 11th January 2001?
What is the significance of economy on 11th January 2001?
What is the relationship between economy and London on 11th January 2001?
What is the connection between economy and London on 11th January 2001?
Why does economy matter on 11th January 2001?
What was the impact of economy on 11th January 2001?
What is the significance of London on 11th January 2001?
What is the relationship between London and military on 11th January 2001?
What is the connection between London and military on 11th January 2001?
Why does London matter on 11th January 2001?
What was the impact of London on 11th January 2001?
What is the significance of military on 11th January 2001?
What is the relationship between military and Pakistan on 11th January 2001?
What is the connection between military and Pakistan on 11th January 2001?
Why does military matter on 11th January 2001?
What was the impact of military on 11th January 2001?
What is the significance of Pakistan on 11th January 2001?
What is the relationship between Pakistan and People on 11th January 2001?
What is the connection between Pakistan and People on 11th January 2001?
Why does Pakistan matter on 11th January 2001?
What was the impact of Pakistan on 11th January 2001?
What is the significance of People on 11th January 2001?
What is the relationship between People and British on 11th January 2001?
What is the connection between People and British on 11th January 2001?
Why does People matter on 11th January 2001?
What was the impact of People on 11th January 2001?

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