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WHAT HAPPENED ON 10th January 2001?

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9th January 2001


The US Congress has confirmed the election of George W Bush as US President under the chairmanship of his defeated rival Vice-President Al Gore. The Senate & House of Representatives convened jointly to read & confirm the votes of the Electoral College. A succession of House members tried to raise points of order alleging election misconduct & fraud. But Mr Gore overruled them because no Senator supported the points of order.

10th January 2001


George W Bush's nominee for Labour Secretary has withdrawn her nomination after allowing an illegal immigrant to live in her house. Linda Chavez pulled out after it was revealed a woman from Guatemala had lived in her home in the early 1990s. It was also revealed that she had given money to the immigrant. Mrs Chavez insisted she had done nothing wrong but was withdrawing because she had become a "distraction".

10th January 2001


George W Bush has promised action to review ` & possibly reverse ` key policies of his predecessor. The US President-elect said he would try to scale back financial aid to Russia unless President Putin acted to curb corruption & made legal reforms. Rules protecting large areas of forests from development would also be reviewed he told the New York Times. He planned to introduce his tax cuts programme in a single measure he said.


Some queries which this page seeks to answer:

Life before 10th January 2001?
Life after 10th January 2001?
What is the significance of George W Bush on 10th January 2001?
What is the relationship between George W Bush and George W Bush on 10th January 2001?
What is the connection between George W Bush and George W Bush on 10th January 2001?
Why does George W Bush matter on 10th January 2001?
What was the impact of George W Bush on 10th January 2001?

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