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WHAT HAPPENED ON 8th January 2001?

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7th January 2001


*Bowthorpe has changed to Spirent
BooseyH 140 Bradstk 7¾
Boot(H) 200 + 5 Brake 537½
BoothIn 24½ Brainsp 57½
Boots 610 + 1 Brammer 445 + 6
Bourne 68½ Brancot 182½- 6½
Bousted 7½ Brandon 41½
BovisHm 371 + 2 BrAsset 154¾- ½
BownsLs 270 BrBlood 86
BP Amco 543½- 1 Brock A 101½
BPB Ind 293½- 6¼Brd&Bng 278 - ¾
BPT 305 Brdcast 48½- ½
BPP Hld 425 BrdrTV 1450
Br Air 402 + 5½BrewinD 201
Br Bio 22¾+ ¾BrghtSt 30½+ 3½
Br Ener 217 - 8 BristlW 110

8th January 2001


C&B Pub 19½ Camella 27½
Cable W 970 - 9 CamMinR 26¾+ 1¼
CA Cout 84 CammlLd 24 + ½
Cadbury 438½+ 3½CanaryW 499 - 3
Cadcent 538 - 9½Cannons 137½
Caffyns 307½ CantabP 140
Cairn 227 + 7 Cap Rad 1225 -12½
CairnUK 80½+ ½Cap&Reg 221½
CairnTU 967½ CapBars 27½
CakebRo 45½+ 4 CapeInd 22½
Caldwll 8¼ CapGear 1005 + 7½
CalednT 71½ Capita 437 -19½
Caledon 882½- 5 CapOppT 187½- 5
Calluna 8½ CapShop 390
CambAnt 3192½-32½Capt4Co 115

8th January 2001


CapTech 27½ CdfProp 528½- 1½
Carbo 8½ CedarGp 314 + 1½
Carclo 126 + 3½Celltec 1090 -15
Care UK 252½ Celltlk 35
CarlHld 445 Celsis 17¾
Carllin 130 Celtc R 11¼
Carlton 588 -11 Celtic 168½+ ½
Carpetr 551½+ 6½CenesPh 59 + 1
Carphne 198 - 3½Centric 254 - 3
CarrMll 117½ CGNU 1069 +43
CassBrs 22 Cham&hl 181½
Casting 134 ChanHlt 56½
CathayI 5¼ CharAth 40½
Cattle 257½+ 7 CharGrp 39 + 9½
CD Bram 157½ CharlsT 373½
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7th January 2001


A British backpacker has told how he was pulled to safety from a raging fire at a backpacker hostel in Australia. Neil Griffith 25 told a Brisbane hearing via telephone from the UK that he had seen a fire in a waste bin. He also said someone resembling the man accused of setting fire to the hostel in Childers was seen using its internet computer shortly beforehand. Robert Long 37 is charged with murder ` 15 people died in the fire last June.

8th January 2001


C&B Pub 19½ Camella 27½
Cable W 970 - 9 CamMinR 26¾+ 1¼
CA Cout 84 CammlLd 24 + ½
Cadbury 438½+ 3½CanaryW 499 - 3
Cadcent 538 - 9½Cannons 137½
Caffyns 307½ CantabP 140
Cairn 227 + 7 Cap Rad 1225 -12½
CairnUK 80½+ ½Cap&Reg 221½
CairnTU 967½ CapBars 27½
CakebRo 45½+ 4 CapeInd 22½
Caldwll 8¼ CapGear 1005 + 7½
CalednT 71½ Capita 437 -19½
Caledon 882½- 5 CapOppT 187½- 5
Calluna 8½ CapShop 390
CambAnt 3192½-32½Capt4Co 115

8th January 2001


CapTech 27½ CdfProp 528½- 1½
Carbo 8½ CedarGp 314 + 1½
Carclo 126 + 3½Celltec 1090 -15
Care UK 252½ Celltlk 35
CarlHld 445 Celsis 17¾
Carllin 130 Celtc R 11¼
Carlton 588 -11 Celtic 168½+ ½
Carpetr 551½+ 6½CenesPh 59 + 1
Carphne 198 - 3½Centric 254 - 3
CarrMll 117½ CGNU 1069 +43
CassBrs 22 Cham&hl 181½
Casting 134 ChanHlt 56½
CathayI 5¼ CharAth 40½
Cattle 257½+ 7 CharGrp 39 + 9½
CD Bram 157½ CharlsT 373½

Some queries which this page seeks to answer:

Life before 8th January 2001?
Life after 8th January 2001?
What is the significance of shares on 8th January 2001?
What is the relationship between shares and UK on 8th January 2001?
What is the connection between shares and UK on 8th January 2001?
Why does shares matter on 8th January 2001?
What was the impact of shares on 8th January 2001?
What is the significance of UK on 8th January 2001?
What is the relationship between UK and shares on 8th January 2001?
What is the connection between UK and shares on 8th January 2001?
Why does UK matter on 8th January 2001?
What was the impact of UK on 8th January 2001?

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