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WHAT HAPPENED ON 8th January 2001?

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7th January 2001


The Palestinians have rejected US President Bill Clinton's proposals for peace in the Middle East reports say. Information minister Yasser Abed Rabbo is reported to have said the proposals were unacceptable to the Palestinians. Peace negotiators said Mr Clinton's deal was identical to Israel's blueprint for ending the violence. Yesterday Mr Clinton called for a "long leap" from both sides to close their 52-year divide.

8th January 2001

"It was a big mistake"Joschka Fischer

Germany's foreign minister apologising for beating up policemen in his rebellious youth. "Presentationally Bill Clinton is a US President to die for. The truth is far too many have"TV news reader Jon Snow. "Wherever I go says Margaret Drabble people are talking about the recently- published third volume of Robert Skidelsky's Life of Maynard Keynes. Here is proof that Margaret Drabble & I inhabit very different worlds" Veteran commentator Richard Ingrams.

8th January 2001


senior Palestinian official. Yesterday Mr Ross had said he was delaying his visit until Thursday. There was no further explanation nor immediate further comment from any of the three sides in the peace process. The move appeared to be a setback for President Clinton's hopes of brokering a peace deal before leaving office.

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7th January 2001


The head of the Diplomatic Service has raised the case of five Britons being held in Saudi Arabia on alcohol-related offences with senior Saudi officials. During a three-day visit Sir John Kerr met the governor of the Saudi capital Riyadh and the Saudi foreign minister. Alcohol is banned in the Muslim kingdom but it is not clear if the five men have been charged. However they could face imprisonment flogging or deportation.

8th January 2001

"It was a big mistake"Joschka Fischer

Germany's foreign minister apologising for beating up policemen in his rebellious youth. "Presentationally Bill Clinton is a US President to die for. The truth is far too many have"TV news reader Jon Snow. "Wherever I go says Margaret Drabble people are talking about the recently- published third volume of Robert Skidelsky's Life of Maynard Keynes. Here is proof that Margaret Drabble & I inhabit very different worlds" Veteran commentator Richard Ingrams.

8th January 2001


China says papers revealing secret government talks on the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown are fabricated. The papers published in the US claim to reveal talks between China's leaders prior to the order to stop the protests A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said the documents were not authentic. "Any attempt to...disrupt China by the despicable means of fabricating materials & distorting facts will be futile " he added.

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7th January 2001


New measures to counter BSE come into force today across the European Union. Older cattle will be tested for the disease at slaughterhouses before the meat can be sold. A UK Government adviser on BSE welcomed the tests on cattle aged over 30 months which were brought in following BSE cases in France Germany & Spain. Professor Peter Smith said processed meat products which used EU imported beef should now present a lower risk.

8th January 2001

"It was a big mistake"Joschka Fischer

Germany's foreign minister apologising for beating up policemen in his rebellious youth. "Presentationally Bill Clinton is a US President to die for. The truth is far too many have"TV news reader Jon Snow. "Wherever I go says Margaret Drabble people are talking about the recently- published third volume of Robert Skidelsky's Life of Maynard Keynes. Here is proof that Margaret Drabble & I inhabit very different worlds" Veteran commentator Richard Ingrams.

8th January 2001


Immigration officials in Australia are searching for eight members of the British Olympic team whom they accuse of having overstayed their visas. Three months after the Sydney games ended 108 Olympic athletes trainers and officials remain unaccounted for. They include 11 from the US & others from Germany Russia Nigeria & Japan Officials say that if these people come forward they will be offered the chance to leave Australia voluntarily.

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7th January 2001


The head of a fringe Communist party is to ask President Ion Iliescu to exhume the body of former dictator Nicolae Ceausescu to shed light on his death. Romanian Worker Party Ion Nicolae said he had information that Ceausescu was tortured before being killed in 1989. Ceausescu & his wife Elena were convicted of genocide in a hastily assembled people's court & shot. His place of burial has never been officially confirmed & his children have no death certificates.

8th January 2001

"It was a big mistake"Joschka Fischer

Germany's foreign minister apologising for beating up policemen in his rebellious youth. "Presentationally Bill Clinton is a US President to die for. The truth is far too many have"TV news reader Jon Snow. "Wherever I go says Margaret Drabble people are talking about the recently- published third volume of Robert Skidelsky's Life of Maynard Keynes. Here is proof that Margaret Drabble & I inhabit very different worlds" Veteran commentator Richard Ingrams.

8th January 2001

What People were saying on

"We had what looked like an upper middle-class home but we were dirt poor. As the old phrase goes it was a coat & no knickers."

Award-winning actor Peter Mullan.

"I try to be a nice person. I don't have any reason to be unpleasant. There is no reason to be an evil sod if you have had a nice life making people laugh."

Actor Richard Briers.

"Discovering who you are and being there for your own life is much more important than any acting you can do."

TV actor Gabriel Byrne.

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7th January 2001


Police in Bombay have arrested a top Indian film executive in connection with alleged links to the underworld. Influential financier Bharat Shah a major backer of Bombay films is being held in custody until later this month. Police acted after listening to the contents of a secretly-recorded discussion involving a Pakistan-based suspected criminal PTI agency said. The co-producers of Mr Shah's latest Hindi film "On the Quiet Hush Hush" have already been remanded in custody.

8th January 2001

"It was a big mistake"Joschka Fischer

Germany's foreign minister apologising for beating up policemen in his rebellious youth. "Presentationally Bill Clinton is a US President to die for. The truth is far too many have"TV news reader Jon Snow. "Wherever I go says Margaret Drabble people are talking about the recently- published third volume of Robert Skidelsky's Life of Maynard Keynes. Here is proof that Margaret Drabble & I inhabit very different worlds" Veteran commentator Richard Ingrams.

8th January 2001


A bank manager has been convicted of embezzling more than £40 000 from the Clydesdale Bank. Charles Young from Crewe Terrace in Edinburgh fled to England but turned himself in to police two weeks later. Edinburgh Sheriff Court heard how Young who pleaded guilty used his position of responsibility to authorise overdrafts for invented accounts. Sentence on Young has been deferred so that background reports can be taken into consideration.

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7th January 2001


The head of a fringe Communist party is to ask President Ion Iliescu to exhume the body of former dictator Nicolae Ceausescu to shed light on his death. Romanian Worker Party Ion Nicolae said he had information that Ceausescu was tortured before being killed in 1989. Ceausescu & his wife Elena were convicted of genocide in a hastily assembled people's court & shot. His place of burial has never been officially confirmed & his children have no death certificates.

8th January 2001

"It was a big mistake"Joschka Fischer

Germany's foreign minister apologising for beating up policemen in his rebellious youth. "Presentationally Bill Clinton is a US President to die for. The truth is far too many have"TV news reader Jon Snow. "Wherever I go says Margaret Drabble people are talking about the recently- published third volume of Robert Skidelsky's Life of Maynard Keynes. Here is proof that Margaret Drabble & I inhabit very different worlds" Veteran commentator Richard Ingrams.

8th January 2001

What People were saying on

"When my children were young the ultimate disciplinary threat was to listen to The Archers. It worked."

EM Yonge of Petersfield Hants in a letter to The Daily Telegraph.

"The players still had Christmas cake in their feet."

Sergio Cragnotti president of Lazio managed by Sven- Goran Eriksson England's coach-elect after yet another humiliating defeat.

"Mellowing is so boring. I like everything to be sharp & crisp & fun & exciting."

American comedienne Joan Rivers.

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7th January 2001


Police in Bombay have arrested a top Indian film executive in connection with alleged links to the underworld. Influential financier Bharat Shah a major backer of Bombay films is being held in custody until later this month. Police acted after listening to the contents of a secretly-recorded discussion involving a Pakistan-based suspected criminal PTI agency said. The co-producers of Mr Shah's latest Hindi film "On the Quiet Hush Hush" have already been remanded in custody.

8th January 2001

"It was a big mistake"Joschka Fischer

Germany's foreign minister apologising for beating up policemen in his rebellious youth. "Presentationally Bill Clinton is a US President to die for. The truth is far too many have"TV news reader Jon Snow. "Wherever I go says Margaret Drabble people are talking about the recently- published third volume of Robert Skidelsky's Life of Maynard Keynes. Here is proof that Margaret Drabble & I inhabit very different worlds" Veteran commentator Richard Ingrams.

8th January 2001


Sven-Goran Eriksson is to take over as England manager "as soon as possible" after quitting Lazio the FA has said. The 52-year-old Swede will take charge of the team for the friendly match against Spain on February 28. The announcement follows Eriksson's resignation from the Rome-based club after a series of poor results. The FA said it was "delighted that one of the most successful coaches in the world will shortly be joining us".


Some queries which this page seeks to answer:

Life before 8th January 2001?
Life after 8th January 2001?
What is the significance of Clinton on 8th January 2001?
What is the relationship between Clinton and Foreign on 8th January 2001?
What is the connection between Clinton and Foreign on 8th January 2001?
Why does Clinton matter on 8th January 2001?
What was the impact of Clinton on 8th January 2001?
What is the significance of Foreign on 8th January 2001?
What is the relationship between Foreign and Germany on 8th January 2001?
What is the connection between Foreign and Germany on 8th January 2001?
Why does Foreign matter on 8th January 2001?
What was the impact of Foreign on 8th January 2001?
What is the significance of Germany on 8th January 2001?
What is the relationship between Germany and People on 8th January 2001?
What is the connection between Germany and People on 8th January 2001?
Why does Germany matter on 8th January 2001?
What was the impact of Germany on 8th January 2001?
What is the significance of People on 8th January 2001?
What is the relationship between People and police on 8th January 2001?
What is the connection between People and police on 8th January 2001?
Why does People matter on 8th January 2001?
What was the impact of People on 8th January 2001?
What is the significance of police on 8th January 2001?
What is the relationship between police and President on 8th January 2001?
What is the connection between police and President on 8th January 2001?
Why does police matter on 8th January 2001?
What was the impact of police on 8th January 2001?
What is the significance of President on 8th January 2001?
What is the relationship between President and world on 8th January 2001?
What is the connection between President and world on 8th January 2001?
Why does President matter on 8th January 2001?
What was the impact of President on 8th January 2001?
What is the significance of world on 8th January 2001?
What is the relationship between world and Clinton on 8th January 2001?
What is the connection between world and Clinton on 8th January 2001?
Why does world matter on 8th January 2001?
What was the impact of world on 8th January 2001?

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