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WHAT HAPPENED ON 8th January 2001?

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7th January 2001


A mother who bit off a testicle after a drunken party between friends turned violent has been jailed for six months. Denise Carr 28 of Gateshead pleaded guilty at Newcastle Crown Court last year to a charge of affray after biting her husband's friend in October 1999. Judge Gerard Harkins said he had no option but to jail mother-of-two Carr. The incident happened when Carr & her husband threw a party for two friends who had recently got married.

8th January 2001


High street store Currys has been fined #3 000 & ordered to pay £15 000 costs after it admitted misleading customers over the price of washing machines. The store was charged with three counts of misleading the public contrary to the Consumer Protection Act 1987 at Leicester Crown Court. Recorder Patrick Thomas QC said Currys had breached "commercial fairness". The case centred on trade-in allowances and sale prices in two Currys stores.

8th January 2001


A mother who was charged with killing three of her children is to stand trial for the murder of two of them. Angela Cannings 37 of Salisbury who appeared before town magistrates will be tried for the death of two-month-old Jason & four-month-old Matthew. She was discharged in respect of the death of three-month-old Gemma. The deaths happened over a 10-year period. Mrs Cannings is due to appear before Winchester Crown Court on February 21.

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7th January 2001


A Thai actor is holding a three-day funeral for a water buffalo which starred in his most successful film. Boonlert who was 32 was renowned for his unusually long horns which at 9ft 8ins movie-goers flocked to see. Actor Bin Banloerit is holding the funeral to offer thanks to the buffalo who died of natural causes yesterday. Tomorrow a Thai opera will perform in front of the corpse which has been hung upright to pay respect to it.

8th January 2001


High street store Currys has been fined #3 000 & ordered to pay £15 000 costs after it admitted misleading customers over the price of washing machines. The store was charged with three counts of misleading the public contrary to the Consumer Protection Act 1987 at Leicester Crown Court. Recorder Patrick Thomas QC said Currys had breached "commercial fairness". The case centred on trade-in allowances and sale prices in two Currys stores.

8th January 2001


Plans to fine homeowners £5 000 if they fail to provide a seller's survey could stop people putting their property on the market the Law Society has warned. The scheme would put a "substantial extra expense" on vendors said Michael Napier the society's president. He warned that this may hurt those on low incomes or with negative equity. Proposals set to be debated by MPs call for sellers to pay around £750 to produce an information pack for buyers.


Some queries which this page seeks to answer:

Life before 8th January 2001?
Life after 8th January 2001?
What is the significance of Crown Court on 8th January 2001?
What is the relationship between Crown Court and pay on 8th January 2001?
What is the connection between Crown Court and pay on 8th January 2001?
Why does Crown Court matter on 8th January 2001?
What was the impact of Crown Court on 8th January 2001?
What is the significance of pay on 8th January 2001?
What is the relationship between pay and Crown Court on 8th January 2001?
What is the connection between pay and Crown Court on 8th January 2001?
Why does pay matter on 8th January 2001?
What was the impact of pay on 8th January 2001?

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