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WHAT HAPPENED ON 7th January 2001?

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6th January 2001


Mini-police stations with flashing blue lights could be set up at supermarkets and post offices under Government plans The outposts are among a package of suggestions to be considered by the Home Office & senior officers in a bid to ease public fears about crime. Mobile police stations to tackle crime in rural areas will also be assessed a Home Office spokesman said. The Home Secretary & police chiefs will discuss the plans on January 30.

7th January 2001


President Joseph Estrada of the Philippines has instructed army chiefs to roll out a scheme to give all army soldiers their own e-mail account. The president wants the project up & running by the end of the current year a government statement said. Mr Estrada hopes e-mail & internet access will give the soldiers closer contact with their headquarters. The president also instructed army chiefs to design web sites detailing the army's 15-year modernisation plan.

7th January 2001


An attempted coup in the west African state of Ivory Coast is said to be over Forces loyal to the government have reportedly regained control of the national radio station following heavy gunfire in the main city Abidjan. Unidentified rebels earlier broadcast a statement saying they controlled both the television & radio & gunfire was reported near the President's home. The government said two loyal officers were killed & 15 rebels captured.

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6th January 2001


Iranian president Mohammad Khatami says the current global perception of the Gulf region solely as the world's main source of oil needs to be revised. That perception had led to the arrival of foreign troops wars destructive crises & a mono-cultural economy Mr Khatami told a conference in Teheran. The Gulf states should work to promote a new status for the region he said. Until its image changed the presence of foreign troops & destructive local conflicts would undermine stability.

7th January 2001


President Joseph Estrada of the Philippines has instructed army chiefs to roll out a scheme to give all army soldiers their own e-mail account. The president wants the project up & running by the end of the current year a government statement said. Mr Estrada hopes e-mail & internet access will give the soldiers closer contact with their headquarters. The president also instructed army chiefs to design web sites detailing the army's 15-year modernisation plan.

7th January 2001


The Palestinians have rejected US President Bill Clinton's proposals for peace in the Middle East reports say. Information minister Yasser Abed Rabbo is reported to have said the proposals were unacceptable to the Palestinians. Peace negotiators said Mr Clinton's deal was identical to Israel's blueprint for ending the violence. Yesterday Mr Clinton called for a "long leap" from both sides to close their 52-year divide.


Some queries which this page seeks to answer:

Life before 7th January 2001?
Life after 7th January 2001?
What is the significance of government on 7th January 2001?
What is the relationship between government and President on 7th January 2001?
What is the connection between government and President on 7th January 2001?
Why does government matter on 7th January 2001?
What was the impact of government on 7th January 2001?
What is the significance of President on 7th January 2001?
What is the relationship between President and government on 7th January 2001?
What is the connection between President and government on 7th January 2001?
Why does President matter on 7th January 2001?
What was the impact of President on 7th January 2001?

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