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WHAT HAPPENED ON 7th January 2001?

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6th January 2001


Police are appealing for witnesses after a 58-year-old man died following what is thought to have been an attack. Anthony Boyle died in hospital after being found unconscious & with a head injury on a pavement in the West Derby area of Liverpool on Friday evening. Police say they now think he had spoken to a group of young people nearby. "It is believed following this that he was assaulted by one of this group " a spokeswoman said.

7th January 2001


A man arrested for a pipe bomb attack on a Tel Aviv bus was equipped by Palestinian military intelligence agents Israeli security sources say. They said the 25-year-old Jordanian citizen was recruited by agents from the Palestinian-ruled town of Nablus. Fourteen people were injured one seriously when two pipe bombs hidden in a duffle bag exploded on December 28 Palestinian officials were not available for comment.

7th January 2001


Separatist fighters in Western Sahara have threatened to attack competitors in the Paris-Dakar rally when the race passes through the disputed territory. The Polisario Front which is seeking independence from Morocco says it was not consulted by the race organisers. It says it will abandon its current ceasefire unless the route is changed. There are reports that thousands of Polisario fighters have left camps in southern Algeria.

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6th January 2001


Racing at Uttoxeter had to be abandoned after a hoax call sparked a security alert at the Staffordshire racecourse. About 7 000 people were evacuated from the course after four phone calls from a man claiming to be from an Irish terrorist group giving a codeword. The man claimed a bomb had been planted in the stand. Army experts police & sniffer dogs searched the site. No device was found & police said the codeword used by the caller was bogus.

7th January 2001


A man arrested for a pipe bomb attack on a Tel Aviv bus was equipped by Palestinian military intelligence agents Israeli security sources say. They said the 25-year-old Jordanian citizen was recruited by agents from the Palestinian-ruled town of Nablus. Fourteen people were injured one seriously when two pipe bombs hidden in a duffle bag exploded on December 28 Palestinian officials were not available for comment.

7th January 2001


Syria has refused a formal request to hand over documents which defence lawyers in the Lockerbie bombing trial claim could help clear two Libyans. The trial resumed at Camp Zeist in the Netherlands with the lawyers saying they were closing their case. The defence claims the documents contained crucial evidence linking the 1988 bombing to militant Palestinians. Talks between Syria & British Embassy officials failed to yield any success.

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6th January 2001


Senior Israeli & Palestinian security officials & CIA director George Tenet are due to meet in Egypt in a new bid to curb over three months of violence. Israel is calling on the Palestinians to re-arrest Islamic militants freed from jail when the violence erupted. They also want security co-operation on the ground to resume. However with hopes of an overall peace deal fading observers say agreement on security issues may be hard to find.

7th January 2001


A man arrested for a pipe bomb attack on a Tel Aviv bus was equipped by Palestinian military intelligence agents Israeli security sources say. They said the 25-year-old Jordanian citizen was recruited by agents from the Palestinian-ruled town of Nablus. Fourteen people were injured one seriously when two pipe bombs hidden in a duffle bag exploded on December 28 Palestinian officials were not available for comment.

7th January 2001


About 100 Palestinian schoolgirls inhaled tear gas after Israeli troops fired the cannisters near a school in the West Bank it has been reported. The gas cloud spread through the school during a battle in Silat al-Dahr in which four Palestinian men were also reported injured by live bullets. In al-Khader two Palestinians were injured during a clash with troops. Meanwhile talks continue behind the scenes to try to reach a peace deal.

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6th January 2001


John Kufuor has been sworn in as the new president of Ghana at a ceremony in the country's capital Accra. Mr Kufuor beat outgoing vice-president John Atta Mills ` the governing party candidate ` in a presidential run-off at the end of last month. He takes over from Jerry Rawlings who first seized power in a military coup more than 20 years ago. Mr Rawlings has called on the army to stay loyal to the new administration.

7th January 2001


A man arrested for a pipe bomb attack on a Tel Aviv bus was equipped by Palestinian military intelligence agents Israeli security sources say. They said the 25-year-old Jordanian citizen was recruited by agents from the Palestinian-ruled town of Nablus. Fourteen people were injured one seriously when two pipe bombs hidden in a duffle bag exploded on December 28 Palestinian officials were not available for comment.

7th January 2001


Army chiefs in Indonesia fear a plane reported missing over dense jungle & carrying senior military & police officials may have crashed. The plane with nine passengers & crew on board was reported missing over the troubled Irian Jaya province. The region wracked by separatist violence consists of dense rain forests & soaring mountain ranges. Contact with the twin-turboprop CASA- 235 was lost 12 minutes after take-off.

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6th January 2001


Senior Israeli & Palestinian security officials & CIA director George Tenet are due to meet in Egypt in a new bid to curb over three months of violence. Israel is calling on the Palestinians to re-arrest Islamic militants freed from jail when the violence erupted. They also want security co-operation on the ground to resume. However with hopes of an overall peace deal fading observers say agreement on security issues may be hard to find.

7th January 2001


A man arrested for a pipe bomb attack on a Tel Aviv bus was equipped by Palestinian military intelligence agents Israeli security sources say. They said the 25-year-old Jordanian citizen was recruited by agents from the Palestinian-ruled town of Nablus. Fourteen people were injured one seriously when two pipe bombs hidden in a duffle bag exploded on December 28 Palestinian officials were not available for comment.

7th January 2001


The Palestinians have rejected US President Bill Clinton's proposals for peace in the Middle East reports say. Information minister Yasser Abed Rabbo is reported to have said the proposals were unacceptable to the Palestinians. Peace negotiators said Mr Clinton's deal was identical to Israel's blueprint for ending the violence. Yesterday Mr Clinton called for a "long leap" from both sides to close their 52-year divide.

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6th January 2001


The earliest date for the inquest into the deaths of the Solway Harvester victims is Easter ` more than a year after the tragedy. A spokesman commented: "We are still preparing the modelling tests on the vessel & making inquiries among other people at the moment." All seven crew of the fishing boat died when it sank in heavy seas off the Isle of Man in January last year. It is reported an expert inquiry will blame an open hatch for the sinking. Warnings from the Wild BBC2 8.00pm

7th January 2001


A man arrested for a pipe bomb attack on a Tel Aviv bus was equipped by Palestinian military intelligence agents Israeli security sources say. They said the 25-year-old Jordanian citizen was recruited by agents from the Palestinian-ruled town of Nablus. Fourteen people were injured one seriously when two pipe bombs hidden in a duffle bag exploded on December 28 Palestinian officials were not available for comment.

7th January 2001

CHINA More than 20 coal miners are reported to have been trapped in a flooded pit in the Guanxi Zhuang southern region since Friday. INDIA At least 12 people were killed and six others seriously injured when a gas tanker exploded into flames after hitting a truck in a village near the northern city of Kanpur reports say.


Some queries which this page seeks to answer:

Life before 7th January 2001?
Life after 7th January 2001?
What is the significance of attack on 7th January 2001?
What is the relationship between attack and bomb on 7th January 2001?
What is the connection between attack and bomb on 7th January 2001?
Why does attack matter on 7th January 2001?
What was the impact of attack on 7th January 2001?
What is the significance of bomb on 7th January 2001?
What is the relationship between bomb and Israeli on 7th January 2001?
What is the connection between bomb and Israeli on 7th January 2001?
Why does bomb matter on 7th January 2001?
What was the impact of bomb on 7th January 2001?
What is the significance of Israeli on 7th January 2001?
What is the relationship between Israeli and military on 7th January 2001?
What is the connection between Israeli and military on 7th January 2001?
Why does Israeli matter on 7th January 2001?
What was the impact of Israeli on 7th January 2001?
What is the significance of military on 7th January 2001?
What is the relationship between military and Palestinian on 7th January 2001?
What is the connection between military and Palestinian on 7th January 2001?
Why does military matter on 7th January 2001?
What was the impact of military on 7th January 2001?
What is the significance of Palestinian on 7th January 2001?
What is the relationship between Palestinian and People on 7th January 2001?
What is the connection between Palestinian and People on 7th January 2001?
Why does Palestinian matter on 7th January 2001?
What was the impact of Palestinian on 7th January 2001?
What is the significance of People on 7th January 2001?
What is the relationship between People and attack on 7th January 2001?
What is the connection between People and attack on 7th January 2001?
Why does People matter on 7th January 2001?
What was the impact of People on 7th January 2001?

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