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WHAT HAPPENED ON 25th January 2001?

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24th January 2001


C&B Pub 10 + ½Camella 27½
Cable W 886 -22 CamMinR 29 - ¼
CA Cout 75 CammlLd 13 - 1½
Cadbury 431 - 4¼CanaryW 490 - 6½
Cadcent 542½ Cannons 140½- ½
Caffyns 315 - 2½CantabP 135½+10½
Cairn 255½- ½Cap Rad 1095 +32½
CairnUK 78½ Cap&Reg 224½
CairnTU 967½ CapBars 30½+ 1
CakebRo 51 CapeInd 19½
Caldwll 8 CapGear 1031 + 3
CalednT 67½ Capita 487½+ 2½
Caledon 935 + 2½CapOppT 202 + 2
Calluna 8½ CapShop 390
CambAnt 3125 +52½Capt4Co 115

25th January 2001


CapTech 22½ CdfProp 545
Carbo 8½ CedarGp 387 +43
Carclo 123½ Celltec 1290 + 4
Care UK 275½+ 3 Celltlk 20½
CarlHld 435 Celsis 17¼
Carllin 152 Celtc R 10
Carlton 525 -25 Celtic 167
Carpetr 559 CenesPh 56
Carphne 185 + 6 Centric 223¼- 3¾
CarrMll 122 CGNU 995 -20
CassBrs 28½+ 7½Cham&hl 177½
Casting 137½- 1 ChanHlt 55
CathayI 5¼ CharAth 40½
Cattle 287 + 1½CharGrp 36½- 3½
CD Bram 173½+ 2½CharlsT 377½

25th January 2001


Charter 180½ Chnlfly 39½
ChartrE 564½+ ½Chorion 38 - ¾
Chartrs 126 + 2½Chplthp 22
Chartrh 34½ ChromeT 27½+ 3
ChasStn 552½-12½ChrstGp 63½
Chaucer 64½ Chrysls 335 + 2½
Chelsea 43½ Chubb 180¾- 8¾
Chelfrd 1½ ChurcCh 182½
Chelsfd 360½ CI Incm 102
Chemex 5½ CI Secs 105½+ 2
Chemrng 312½+ 5 CityCen 48 - ½
Chestrt 41 CityLIT 248 + 2
Chieftn 30½ CityLon 150
ChimeCm 200½ CityMrc 173
Chlord 187 + 6½CityNth 169
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24th January 2001


C&B Pub 10 + ½Camella 27½
Cable W 886 -22 CamMinR 29 - ¼
CA Cout 75 CammlLd 13 - 1½
Cadbury 431 - 4¼CanaryW 490 - 6½
Cadcent 542½ Cannons 140½- ½
Caffyns 315 - 2½CantabP 135½+10½
Cairn 255½- ½Cap Rad 1095 +32½
CairnUK 78½ Cap&Reg 224½
CairnTU 967½ CapBars 30½+ 1
CakebRo 51 CapeInd 19½
Caldwll 8 CapGear 1031 + 3
CalednT 67½ Capita 487½+ 2½
Caledon 935 + 2½CapOppT 202 + 2
Calluna 8½ CapShop 390
CambAnt 3125 +52½Capt4Co 115

25th January 2001


CapTech 22½ CdfProp 545
Carbo 8½ CedarGp 387 +43
Carclo 123½ Celltec 1290 + 4
Care UK 275½+ 3 Celltlk 20½
CarlHld 435 Celsis 17¼
Carllin 152 Celtc R 10
Carlton 525 -25 Celtic 167
Carpetr 559 CenesPh 56
Carphne 185 + 6 Centric 223¼- 3¾
CarrMll 122 CGNU 995 -20
CassBrs 28½+ 7½Cham&hl 177½
Casting 137½- 1 ChanHlt 55
CathayI 5¼ CharAth 40½
Cattle 287 + 1½CharGrp 36½- 3½
CD Bram 173½+ 2½CharlsT 377½

25th January 2001


The Government has announced plans to extend British troops' training of the Sierra Leonean army by eight months until the end of September. Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon said the move would help make the West African state's army "self-sufficient". The British military presence will remain at around 600 at any time. British troops have made an "important contribution to stability in Sierra Leone" Mr Hoon added.


Some queries which this page seeks to answer:

Life before 25th January 2001?
Life after 25th January 2001?
What is the significance of shares on 25th January 2001?
What is the relationship between shares and UK on 25th January 2001?
What is the connection between shares and UK on 25th January 2001?
Why does shares matter on 25th January 2001?
What was the impact of shares on 25th January 2001?
What is the significance of UK on 25th January 2001?
What is the relationship between UK and shares on 25th January 2001?
What is the connection between UK and shares on 25th January 2001?
Why does UK matter on 25th January 2001?
What was the impact of UK on 25th January 2001?

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