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WHAT HAPPENED ON 24th January 2001?

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23th January 2001

What People were saying on

"We don't have modern art. We have Lord Nelson."

Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon describing the decor in his office at the MoD.

"A great part of this nation has become too casual for its own good: casual about the doctor casual about personal relationships casual towards any form of obligation."

Tory peer Lord Deedes.

"Labour's lead will fall but it will be enough to give them a majority of over 100 seats."

Pollster Robert Worcester who is already writing a book called Labour's Second Landslide.

24th January 2001


A doctor who failed to spot a tumour the size of a football in a nine-year- old girl has been found guilty of serious professional misconduct. The child died after becoming violently ill at Dr Krishna Mohan Singh's surgery in Heston West London in 1999. Surgeons discovered the 10in wide tumour had displaced her kidney. The GMC also found Dr Singh guilty of failing to provide an adequate examination but he was not struck off.

24th January 2001


A scheme aimed at attracting more GPs into deprived areas has been announced by Health Minister Susan Deacon. From April some family doctors will have the option of being salaried employees of the NHS instead of running their own surgeries. The changes are to help recruit & retain doctors in areas where GPs might not choose to set up practices. Five trials which have been running in Edinburgh Glasgow Aberdeen & Ayrshire are to be made permanent.

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23th January 2001


The hunt for Damilola Taylor's killer could be over within days if a vital witness came forward police have said. More than 600 members of the public have been interviewed since the 10-year -old bled to death on a stairwell in Peckham south London eight weeks ago. Det Chf Insp Trevor Shepherd leading the inquiry said evidence suggested the killer "was in the system". He urged those caught up in the local gang culture to speak to police.

24th January 2001


A doctor who failed to spot a tumour the size of a football in a nine-year- old girl has been found guilty of serious professional misconduct. The child died after becoming violently ill at Dr Krishna Mohan Singh's surgery in Heston West London in 1999. Surgeons discovered the 10in wide tumour had displaced her kidney. The GMC also found Dr Singh guilty of failing to provide an adequate examination but he was not struck off.

24th January 2001


The father of murdered 10-year-old Damilola Taylor has told the BBC "moral values" in Britain need to change. Richard Taylor branded his son's killer's parents "irresponsible people" for not giving police any information. He also told Radio 4's Today programme he thought Damilola was stabbed to death in Peckham London in November for refusing to join a street gang. Tonight's BBC1's Crimewatch features a reconstruction of Damilola's movements.


Some queries which this page seeks to answer:

Life before 24th January 2001?
Life after 24th January 2001?
What is the significance of doctor on 24th January 2001?
What is the relationship between doctor and London on 24th January 2001?
What is the connection between doctor and London on 24th January 2001?
Why does doctor matter on 24th January 2001?
What was the impact of doctor on 24th January 2001?
What is the significance of London on 24th January 2001?
What is the relationship between London and doctor on 24th January 2001?
What is the connection between London and doctor on 24th January 2001?
Why does London matter on 24th January 2001?
What was the impact of London on 24th January 2001?

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