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WHAT HAPPENED ON 9th January 2001?

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8th January 2001


People living in radon hotspots could be at increased risk of stomach cancer from drinking water a study shows. The Department of the Environment has found the radioactive gas does not always disappear into the air when poured with 20% staying in the water. It found 8% of Devon homes with private water supplies had radon levels above recommended safety limits. The gas when inhaled has been linked to 2 500 lung cancer deaths a year.

9th January 2001


A man whose mugshot was projected on to a building in a campaign to highlight a police force's "most wanted" street robbers has been found dead. The body of Damian Vernon 22 was found near the River Tame in Birmingham His 60ft picture was one of three shown on the side of West Midlands Police's Birmingham headquarters in December. A man who featured with Mr Vernon in the force's internet Hall of Shame was stabbed to death in London last month.

9th January 2001

BELGIUMA museum devoted to the creator

of the strip cartoon hero Tintin is to be built near the capital Brussels. Herge whose real name was George Remi wrote 24 books on the adventures of the intrepid reporter & his dog Snowy between 1929 & his death in 1983. SPAIN Stains have appeared on the gleaming titanium surface of Bilbao's world-famous Guggenheim modern art museum just three years after it opened Its designer US architect Frank Gehry said the builders were to blame for not cleaning the surface properly.

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8th January 2001


Two teenagers have been arrested in connection with the death of 10-year- old Damilola Taylor. Damilola was stabbed & died in the stairwell of a housing estate in Peckham south London in November. Scotland Yard said two teenagers aged 13 & 14 were being questioned in south London. They have not been arrested before. Thirteen people have already been arrested & released in the inquiry.

9th January 2001


A man whose mugshot was projected on to a building in a campaign to highlight a police force's "most wanted" street robbers has been found dead. The body of Damian Vernon 22 was found near the River Tame in Birmingham His 60ft picture was one of three shown on the side of West Midlands Police's Birmingham headquarters in December. A man who featured with Mr Vernon in the force's internet Hall of Shame was stabbed to death in London last month.

9th January 2001


London Mayor Ken Livingstone says union fears about safety if the Tube is part- privatised must be taken seriously. Addressing a meeting organised by the three main rail unions Mr Livingstone said privatisation of the national rail network had helped undermine safety. He said London Underground must avoid such a fate under the Government's plan for a public/private partnership. But Tube boss Derek Smith labelled the mayor's safety remarks "irresponsible".

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8th January 2001


Police & motoring groups are blaming a rise in the annual Christmas drink- drive figures on the recent rail chaos. The percentage of motorists who tested positive for alcohol after a crash was 7.18% compared with 6.5% in 1999/2000. Police & the RAC say the increase may be a result of more rail passengers taking to their cars after Hatfield. The police figures show that out of 15 064 people tested after a crash 1 081 were over the limit.

9th January 2001


A man whose mugshot was projected on to a building in a campaign to highlight a police force's "most wanted" street robbers has been found dead. The body of Damian Vernon 22 was found near the River Tame in Birmingham His 60ft picture was one of three shown on the side of West Midlands Police's Birmingham headquarters in December. A man who featured with Mr Vernon in the force's internet Hall of Shame was stabbed to death in London last month.

9th January 2001


A murderer convicted in absentia has shot dead four people including two French police called in to deal with a violent dispute he was involved in. Albert Foucher 50 fired at the officers when they arrived to stop an argument between him & a couple near the southern town of Narbonne. He then shot the man dead & fled before later killing a fourth person. It is believed the couple had testified against Foucher at his earlier trial.


Some queries which this page seeks to answer:

Life before 9th January 2001?
Life after 9th January 2001?
What is the significance of death on 9th January 2001?
What is the relationship between death and London on 9th January 2001?
What is the connection between death and London on 9th January 2001?
Why does death matter on 9th January 2001?
What was the impact of death on 9th January 2001?
What is the significance of London on 9th January 2001?
What is the relationship between London and police on 9th January 2001?
What is the connection between London and police on 9th January 2001?
Why does London matter on 9th January 2001?
What was the impact of London on 9th January 2001?
What is the significance of police on 9th January 2001?
What is the relationship between police and death on 9th January 2001?
What is the connection between police and death on 9th January 2001?
Why does police matter on 9th January 2001?
What was the impact of police on 9th January 2001?

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