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WHAT HAPPENED ON 4th January 1997?

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3th January 1997


Wales Scotland & N.Ireland

For 24 hrs to 6pm Fri 3 Jan
BENZENE TodayDayAvgYearAvg
Edinburgh Centre Low .74 .68
Belfast South Low 1.96 .91
Cardiff Centre Low 1.05 1.17
Edinburgh Centre Low .11 .1
Belfast South Low .35 .15
Cardiff Centre Low .18 .21
Benzene & 1 3-Butadiene can cause
cancer. A yearly average of 5 or 1 part
per billion(ppb) respectively presents
a very small risk to health.

4th January 1997


Health authorities are expecting to overspend by more than £150m this year it has emerged. The deficit will eat into the extra #1.2bn spending allocated next year to the NHS's total budget of £24bn. The forecast is £30m worse than the previous projection by the Department of Health last June. The overspend figures show 65 of the 98 English authorities are between them heading for a £191m deficit.

4th January 1997


Health authority overspending could force the NHS to make major cutbacks in 1998 a health official has warned. National Association of Health Authorities & Trusts director Philip Hunt said the overspending would eat into next year's budget. Money for 1998 "has been seen as one way of cushioning the problems we have this winter" he told the BBC. Labour said the overspending showed Tory funding claims were a "sham".

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3th January 1997


(Lab Islington S/Finsbury) QWhich piece of legislation would you most like to bring to the statute book? AAn end to the internal market in the NHS. Q Which piece of legislation would you like to overturn? A Where do you start? There's been so much by the Tories! To start with scrap Section 28 of the Local Government Act>>>>>

4th January 1997


Health authorities are expecting to overspend by more than £150m this year it has emerged. The deficit will eat into the extra #1.2bn spending allocated next year to the NHS's total budget of £24bn. The forecast is £30m worse than the previous projection by the Department of Health last June. The overspend figures show 65 of the 98 English authorities are between them heading for a £191m deficit.

4th January 1997


Health authority overspending could force the NHS to make major cutbacks in 1998 a health official has warned. National Association of Health Authorities & Trusts director Philip Hunt said the overspending would eat into next year's budget. Money for 1998 "has been seen as one way of cushioning the problems we have this winter" he told the BBC. Labour said the overspending showed Tory funding claims were a "sham".


Some queries which this page seeks to answer:

Life before 4th January 1997?
Life after 4th January 1997?
What is the significance of Health on 4th January 1997?
What is the relationship between Health and NHS on 4th January 1997?
What is the connection between Health and NHS on 4th January 1997?
Why does Health matter on 4th January 1997?
What was the impact of Health on 4th January 1997?
What is the significance of NHS on 4th January 1997?
What is the relationship between NHS and Health on 4th January 1997?
What is the connection between NHS and Health on 4th January 1997?
Why does NHS matter on 4th January 1997?
What was the impact of NHS on 4th January 1997?

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